Direct Qr Code Printer in Sri Lanka
Print Qr code directly on
We have printers that can print Qr code directly from 2 mm size to 100 mm (4 inches) size
Qr code pritning directly on Bottles
Qr code on Labels
Qr code on Polysacks
Qr code on Wood surfaces ex: plywood
QR code pritning on Packets
Qr code on Steel surfaces ex: Amano sheet
QR code on PVC pipes
QR code printing on Glass ex: Glass bottles
Video Demonstration (Manual Mode)
Printing 2 inch QR code on corrugated cartons
Video Demonstration (Auto Mode)
Automatic print Qr code, brand name and logo on pipes
Recommended Printers for Direct Qr Code Printing
Manual Print Only
Automatic & Manual Print (Dual purpose)
Automatic Print Only
QR codes are turning out to be a very vital aspect of modern life. In sri lanka since the fuel shortage and the subsequent introduction of quota based fuel distribution the QR code is has turned out to be a very common among the people.
It is high time that companies used the QR code to their advantage. There are many different ways QR codes can be used for marketing, product quality tracking, upselling and giving customers special offers.
Below are some aspects where the QR code has been used by our customers.
Printing warranty information.
Giving customers special offers for the next purchase.
Directing customers to whatsapp link or website for upselling.
Giving general information about the busienss i.e branch network, hotline etc.